1. real, true


  real真的,真實的,指的是事實上存在而不是想像的,true真的,真正的,指的是事實和實際情況相符合 real gold, a true story


2. respectful, respectable


  respectful尊敬,有禮貌,respectable可敬的,值得尊敬的 be respectful to the aged


3. outwards, outward


  二者均可用作副詞,表示向外,外面,outward還可用作形容詞 an outward voyage


4. pleasant, pleased, pleasing


  pleasant常用作定語,pleased, pleasing常用作表語,pleased主語常為人,


pleasing主語常為物 a pleasant trip The trip is pleasing.


5. understanding, understandable


  understanding明白事理的,能體諒的,understandable 可理解的,能夠懂的


an understanding girl, an understandable mistake


6. close, closely


  close接近,靠近,closely緊緊地,緊密地 closely connected, stand close


7. ill, sick


  ill做表語,sick定,表均可 a sick boy


8. good, well


  good形容詞,well副詞,但指身體狀況是形容詞 He is well again.


9. quiet, silent, still


  quiet安靜的,可以發出小的聲音,silent不發出聲音,但可以動,still完全不動,完全無聲響 He stand there still. 他站在那兒,一動不動,也不說話。


10. hard, hardly


  hard努力,hardly幾乎不 work hard I can hardly believe it.


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